REVIVE: Christ and His Church – Free book to first 100 registered!

FREE Book for the first 100 registered! Register today!
Session Titles:
“Christ’s Presence and His Church”
“Leading Out of the Overflow”
“Developing a Powerful Praying Church”
“Christ’s Purpose and His Church”

Richard Blackaby
President, Blackaby Ministries International
Rick Fisher
Vice-President, Blackaby Ministries International
time with Richard and Rick
REVIVE! Christ and His Church is for pastors and church leaders seeking to hear from the Head of the Church - Jesus!
God has a purpose for every church. There is much that He wants to do through each church. However, it has been our experience that God gives each church and its leaders “crossroad moments” in their history where they must make decisions based on faith if they are to continue to be used to fulfill the purposes God has in mind for them. It has also been our experience that the current health of any church is a summation of the decisions made over many years.
Dr. Richard Blackaby and Rev. Rick Fisher of the Blackaby Ministries International team are excited about coming to Ohio for the “Revive: Christ and His Church” conference. Richard and Rick will unpack several significant truths from their books, “Flickering Lamps”, “Living Out of the Overflow” and “Developing a Powerful Praying Church” as well as from their extensive ministry with pastors and churches.
We will begin at 9:00 am (check-in at 8:30 am) and conclude at 3:00 pm.
The cost of $10.00 includes lunch.
Whether your church is experiencing positive spiritual health or finds itself struggling, it is vitally important to be oriented to the Headship of Christ. We encourage you to set aside time to attend the entire gathering in October, determined to park your heart before God, allowing Him to speak to you in fresh and transforming ways. Bring several of your key leaders as well so that together, you can experience God’s heart for you and your church!
“The overwhelming response from the pastors was that they felt that every pastor in our association needed to hear what the speakers had to share."
"The message of the Revive Conference is one that needs to be delivered to the church in North America!”
“Revive, there couldn’t be a more perfect name for this one day conference. I came expecting to get some good information on how to revive my congregation, which I received, but I came away with so much more. I came away with my own soul being revived.”
“The main thing I brought back with me from the conference was hope.”