Ohio Church Planter Selected for WMU Initiative

Steve Looker of The Refuge Church in Zanesville, Ohio has been selected to participate in a program called Christmas in August by the Women's Missionary Union and NAMB.
Every year WMU and the North American Mission Board partner to select missionaries who will be featured in Christmas in August. These missionaries provide a list of items they need for ministry and outreach. The lists of requested items are posted online, and then you can select a missionary (or two or three), collect the requested items, and send the items to the missionaries.
Featured Missionary Details
Who: Steve Looker, The Refuge Church
What: Zane Gray Elementary
Where: Zanesville, Ohio
Why: The Refuge Church, a recent church replant, has adopted a local school — Zane Gray Elementary — as a place to share the love of Jesus in their community. The church currently makes “Blessing Bags” that contain meals and activities for the weekend for underprivileged children. They would like to expand their witness in the school to include teachers.
24-count crayons
Colored pencils
Kids’ scissors
Glue sticks
Construction paper (various colors and white)
Loose-leaf filler paper
Clear tape
Christmas in August, Zane Gray Elementary
c/o Steve Looker, The Refuge Church
1604 Pine Street
Zanesville, OH 43701