Are you registered for TRANSITIONS?

I hope you are working to keep your calendar open on Thursday, March 25 because the Transitions conference is going to be a full but rewarding day!
Because of our partnership with BACE, this event is completely FREE to you.
Use promo code OHIO to register absolutely FREE!
TRANSITIONS is a VIRTUAL conference focused on helping church leaders (i.e.: pastors, associate pastors, discipleship pastors, education pastors, age-group pastors, men’s and women ministry leaders, and ministry volunteers) equip the church to make disciples as they move forward following a year of challenges and obstacles.
Content will focus upon helping the church and church leaders’ transition to:
- A New World – The culture of the church, community, and world has experienced a radical change. How will churches and leaders respond to these new church and community transitions?
- A New Way of Thinking – Responding to this new world will require a new way of thinking. Evaluating past paradigms and the creation of new paradigms that remain theological sound and solidly focused on the gospel message will be needed. How will you respond personally and emotionally to these transitions?
- A New Work – Churches will work differently in order to make disciples. Leaders will work differently in order to equip the church. What will this new work look like?
Transitions, this online event is a complete day of training, resourcing, and networking with leaders just like you. Because of this partnership, this event is completely FREE to you. Use promo code OHIO to register absolutely FREE!
For more information please follow this link to view speakers and schedule for Transitions taking place on March 25-26, 2021. You can also call Dwayne Lee of the Bible Teaching/Leadership Resource Group to discuss this event in more detail, 614-601-6824.
This event is made possible with a new partnership with Leadership Resource Group for 2021. The State Convention of Baptists in Ohio and the Baptist Association of Christian Educators, B.A.C.E. are partnering together to create resources and training opportunities for all of our Ministers of Education, Sunday School Directors, and teachers, along with Small Group leaders of all types.

Carey Nieuwhof
Additional Keynote Speakers

Matt Engle

Ken Bevel

Lyle Wells

Jamie Dew