EMERGE Training was a hit!

A WMU training event called “EMERGE” was held Saturday, July 8th at First Baptist Church West Jefferson. Here are some of the comments following the training:
“I really do think the day was a success.”
“I had a great time, and always enjoy being around the team!”
“I had a wonderful day too!! The fellowship was sweet, the worship was just great Jody, thank you and I thought the breakouts I was part of went nicely. Also, I was thankful that Tim was there with LifeWay.”
“Thank you for all the hard work of putting this together. I love hanging and ministering with all of you.”
“I am praising God for His Presence, mercy, grace and strength and I felt His mighty power from the time I stepped into the church! Yes, God's presence was at the EMERGE Conference. Everyone I spoke with was encouraged spiritually and wanted us to have more meetings like this. I thank God again for what is about to happen in OHIO and for the direction of missions’ involvement.”
"Lots of great ideas to take back!"
"Very gifted ladies with very different ideas for women's groups, home Bible studies & ideas on how to grow groups."

"A great beginning -- Love to hear others' stories!"
"Would love to see more involvement from other churches."
"I received ideas and encouragement."
"Did not know about Mission Friends (preschool curriculum)."
If you missed this conference stayed tuned to our website and look for future EMERGE Conferences that you can be a part of for training and encouragement.
Kudos to the team that worked so hard putting this event together!! Well done!