Buckeye Baptist Builders (BBB)

“Helping churches build buildings to assist in building His Kingdom”

The Buckeye Baptist Builders exist to provide assistance to churches and missions needing help with building projects. This missionary endeavor seeks to bring Glory to God by working together as the body of Christ ministering to those in need.


Except the Lord build the house, they
labor in vain that build it
(Psalms 127:1)

…not to be served but to serve
(Mark 10:45)

Lord, here am I, send me
(Isaiah 6:8)

The "Buckeye Baptist Builders" is a ministry provided through the Cooperative Program of the State Convention of Baptists of Ohio and are dedicated to work with churches wishing to build a new church building or add on to their existing facility.

The Builders are structured with a Volunteer State Coordinator to work with churches wishing to build by reviewing church applications and blueprints, working with church building committees and architects, attend project meetings and appoint various volunteer work teams to frame the structure, install the roofing, insulation, doors, windows and interior finish.

The Buckeye Baptist Builders are first, last and always a missionary organization. Our ministry is designed with mission involvement in for church, families and individuals.

The Buckeye Baptist Builders were first established in 1977 by a few people who recognized the need for a volunteer group of Christian workers to help churches that did not have the resources to meet the high expense needed to build new buildings and expand their congregations. Therefore the group was organized and went to Hanley Road Baptist Church in Mansfield, Ohio to build their first church.

Since then the builders have been on the road criss crossing the state in an effort to enlarge God’s Kingdom and give people a place to congregate, worship and spread the plan of salvation.

The builders have helped in the construction of over 600 church projects ranging from 1000 sq. ft to 12,000 sq. ft., saving church congregations millions of dollars in labor costs.  They have also traveled to various foreign countries to build and spread God’s word.

Continuing to grow the Builders have touched many lives in fellowship with church and ministering to people everywhere and doing what God has led them to do where ever we may go.

The Coordinator and Team leader will meet with the church building committee to lay out a progress schedule and develop a time frame for the various work teams to be on site and to coordinate with the church mechanical contractors.

Once the structure has been approved by the various state and local authorities and the foundation, cement floor, underground plumbing & electric are in place the building teams will precede with the construction of the building per the blueprints & codes.

The builders are equipped with many of the tools necessary to complete the project except for cranes and specialty equipment which need to be scheduled in advance.

All framing material including exterior doors & windows, roofing and trusses must be on the job site before the Builders starting date.

What we will do:

We seek to frame in a building with the outside doors, windows and roofing in place within seven to ten days. This will provide a secure building allowing electrical, plumbing, heating, drywall and interior finish work to proceed.

Churches looking to build and wishing to use the Buckeye Baptist Builders on their project need to submit an application request as the schedule is on a first come, first served basis.

An application form can be requested through the State Coordinator or the Mission Support and Mobilization Group, State Convention of Baptists in Ohio (9000 Antares Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43240).

As a church, you can help your people, who wish to be a part of the Buckeye Baptist Builders missionary force, by supporting them in recruiting people and resources to do various types of building projects.

As an individual, skilled or unskilled, just be willing to work with others and enjoy the fellowship in a Christian atmosphere. Organize a team in your church or association. Start enlisting other workers. Take a vacation or if you are retired contact the builders and go with them on their next building mission. You’ll be pleased you did and God will bless you richly for your efforts.

Tools are always one of our greatest needs and expense.  Donations are needed to purchase and/or repair the many tools required to build.

KEY PERSONNEL (Contact for more information):

John Heading
Buckeye Baptist Builders Director
9000 Antares Ave.
Columbus, Ohio  43240
Phone: 614-309-9751
E-mail: jheading@scbo.org


Randy Sparks
Volunteer State Coordinator
Phone: 740-975-4116
E-mail: handyrandycan@gmail.com

Info on current projects can be found here,
or by opening the document attached below:

Our Greatest Need:

The Buckeye Baptist Builders greatest need (and greatest asset) is people. We appreciate workers who step up and say “Here am I Lord, Use me”. Anyone who has a desire to be a missionary and be willing to undergird this Bold Mission Thrust would be a great addition to God’s work force.  Please use the application below to start the process to becoming a Buckeye Baptist Builder!
